Get Screen Size: ---------------- Get screen size is a little tool which helps the programmer to keep track of the control dimensions as well as the used screen resolution during beginning of the design phase of any project. The program provides all screen dimensions in Twips and in pixel, you also get a window displayed which matches exactly the size of the selected resolution, this makes it easier to compare on screen control- and form dimensions. To run properly you need vbrun300.dll + cmdialog.vbx. You can find both files in the MSL forum on Copuserve. The most people will already have it anyway. Place all files in the same directory and start GETSCR.EXE that's all. No secrets in use, no gadgets just poor usefull information for daily work. Source code is available for a little fee to cover our mailing costs, if you're interesting just send us a note that you would like to get the source code. (Written in VB 3.0) Disclaimer: ------------ No warranties, no responsibilities, no nothing ect... Information: ------------ If you have some suggestions for improvement, let us know. Also if you find a bug or just if you want to give some comments to us. CIS 100564,2444 MJ-Datatechnic GbR (GERMANY) Fax: +49 2131 859336 Office time 9:00-18:00 (25-Jan-95) Enjoy